The Royal Welcome is the welcome accorded by the Royal family for their Royal counterparts and special guests since generations. The welcome starts with the guests being received 200 yards away from the palace by a elaborate procession of Elephants, camels ,horses with men holding flags and Mashal, This procession escorts them to the main hotel entrance. The entire area is decorated with special Rangoli on floor, flowers, Red Carpet, century’s old drums and the Bakia (grand trumpet). The whole atmosphere is like a dream setting. The guests are further honored by applying Tikka (A special maroon color round mark applied with a finger in the center of forehead it is the biggest symbol of honor in Hindu custom) The guests are garlanded with fresh flowers garland the guests then enter the main palace to reach the red platform From where they view the magnificent façade of the palace. The guests assemble here witness a saluting welcome with 21shot fire rider A Loud announcement of each individual guest name is made by the Dyodi Van ( A men entrusted to announce names of guest entering into the palace ) To welcome the guests there is a big group of folk performers that includes a group of men each playing different folk musical instrument of Rajasthan in alternate Jharokas of the front façade of the palace and also on the roof of the left and the right side of corridors. They play their instruments to the same song and synchronize their music. On this music there is a group of Rajasthan folk dancer women, all wearing different colorful costumes and are positioned in the alternate Jharokas of the front palace façade and their main performer performs at the Central Chaupar Also there is a group of procession musicians along with escorting welcome dancers who walk along with the guest who is taken under the Royal Umbrella. The guests are served with a special welcome drink.